Our Story

Caribe United's Mission: We aim to produce the very best meat & farm products at affordable prices for all, while embracing, promoting & empowering the culture + economic progress of underrepresented communities.
Hello from Gabriel & Tamita!
We met in 2001 in Jamaica at the University of the West Indies, Mona. Gabriel was an exchange student from Universidad de Puerto Rico and I guess you can say, it was a real exchange huh! We kind of hit it off from the very beginning. We met by coincidence, he got lost on his way to the computer lab and ended up in the language lab where I worked.
He left Jamaica before his year was up, we kept in touch...emails and phone calls here and there until the communication faded. In 2004 I got an email from him. We started communicating again but by then he was on his way to Wisconsin to do his master's degree and I was heading to Japan to work so it was lots of Skyping and phone calls, love from a distance, you can say. Trips to Japan, Puerto Rico and Jamaica ended in engagement in 2006 and 3 years later we were married.
As a country girl from St. Elizabeth (the breadbasket of Jamaica) I learned from my family the love for the land and the importance of growing what you eat and eating what you grow. Gabriel a city boy from Bayamon, Puerto Rico soon fall in love with the richness of this living and dreamt from then on of owning his own Caribbean style farm. Now here we are creating our own little niche here in Crawford, Georgia, on the Caribe United Farm!
Thank you for joining us on our journey to make it all happen!!!